Summary of All The Recent News on Mobile Attacks

Mobile devices are ubiquitous in today’s business world. As more people use their mobile devices for a range of everyday online tasks, from shopping to banking, the security threats to smartphones and other connected devices is only likely to increase. Seems like everywhere you turn, there’s news of another mobile security breach. And while most everyone understands that mobile devices can be hacked like any other computing device, many, even in the security field, aren’t as tuned into the significant level of mobile threat activity already taking place and the shocking growth thereof.

Here are a few recent examples worth considering along with the solutions that Staxx offers to tackle the growth of mobile attacks.

ThreatMetrix 2018 Q2 shows 44% growth in mobile threat; 27M mobile bot attacks, 58% of all financial transactions are mobile, and 51 million mobile-based financial attacks of almost every conceivable type; and even most web-based fraud is dependent on mobile device takeover (to manipulate 2 factor authentication). Staxx’s zIPS and zIAP solutions can address this. Please see Mobile Device & App Protection for more details on these products.

Tesco fined 16.4M for mobile app breach that happened in 2016:  zIAP addresses this.

Britain’s Conservative Party app leaks personal data of thousands of MP’s and conference attendees, faces 2M fine. z3A addresses this.

Gartner releases report on future mobile tech, names MTD the first and most fundamental ingredient in the mobile architecture

Russian government operatives use typical network attack for mobile devices on European government agencies. zIPS addresses this.

The leaders in New York City recognized that protecting their residents in the cyber world was just as important as protecting them in the physical world and took actions.  NYC launches NYC Secure.

With the rising threat of security breaches and cyber-attacks, securing mobile devices and data is no longer an option but the need of the hour. And as they say, change is the new constant – so it’s essential to keep your understanding of mobile security up to date and enhance your security posture time to time. Contact Staxx Solutions now for a mobile security assessment.

Source: Zimperium