In this highly interconnected market, mobile devices are under constant cyber-attacks, compromising business-critical data. Your organization is threatened by an increasing number of risks which make it imperative that you keep up with them and protect your organization. Security and risk management leaders must familiarize themselves with mobile defense solutions and plan to gradually integrate them to mitigate mobile risks.
We, at Staxx Solutions, provide our customers and partners with the best of breed in technology solutions which help to deliver cost-effective and essential security solutions for business. Formed in June 2017, Staxx has developed a wide network of channel partners, covering 43 countries across the Middle East and Africa.
Our solutions can also be offered via Mobile Operators to consumers and commercial customers, affording them an additional source of revenue, with a significant value-added solution of security. There are over 1.2 billion mobile devices in use throughout MEA. Our goal, as a distributor, is to provide focused and targeted cyber-security solutions to those devices.
For more details read “Mobile Security, an Opportunity for Mobile Operators” by our insightful CEO Shuaib Mahmud at Staxx Solutions Read More